Thursday, January 29, 2015

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pay?!
I accept GREEN DOT MONEY PAK it's easy you just have to go to any of the following locations 

Pick one up at the store and purchase one for the amount you need and send me a picture of the recipt and the back of the card that shows all the numbers. I will send you a verification email that I received the valid information.

How do I order?!
Send me a DM if you have any questions or email me at I will send you back an order form. I check the email once a day gaurenteed! 

What states do you offer?!
Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Mississippi, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island or West Virginia (100$ for 1 120$ for 2) 

How do I know you're not a scam?!
Because I'm a decent human about your age who knows the undying urge to run to the bar and get wasted and have fun, and i can provide you with something that can be boat loads of fun! Also, I am willing to provide some proof within reason of me being real. Once I get some orders in I will post more proof of orders and customer reviews of ids. 

What are your prices?! 
100$ for 1 id or for 20$ more (120$) you will get 2 copies of the id
If you are with a group of 5 or more messege me for special promo oppertunities $$$ 
Frequent buyers will receive special savings! 
And promoters of our page will recieve coupons and free ids for our products! 

Have fun be safe and DONT DRINK AND DRIVE!🍻